Friday, 3 April 2009

"Oh look, the sun's come out again!"

I really dig that movie Ladies in Lavender. Judi Dench is so fit. So anyway, last night after Pris picked me up from work, we went to Sainsbury's to get some tunafish, and sweetcorn. We ended up getting tunafish, sweetcorn, red wine. She got also, some cookies, and I got a tin of mackerel fillets (which have by now become my favourite!) Then we went home where I had salad. Then, we got quite stoned, not less because it was the first time I'd been really stoned in a really long time. Like, I can't remember the last time, even. So we kind of cackled alot and realized that Tracey would react one of two ways to us smoking pot in the house. She'd either ask for some, or go "ape shit" as Lauren so colourfully put it. Pris didn't want to find out. She was kind of terrified. And tired. So she went to bed. Which is when Trace phoned to tell Lauren that she wasn't going to be coming home tonight, so Lauren and I decided to have a cocktail or two! We played with sparklers and tried to spell POOP with them.
We took some pretty awkward pictures. And we ate smoked salmon ravioli with an amazing mushroom pesto from Harrod's. After our two cocktails, we went to bed, as I have to be up early today. Day two of work! What will happen? Find out, in the next installment of Every Detail of My Mundane Days! xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah, Sparklers! Oh to go back to the days of being entertained by fire without it being deemed 'arson'.
