Yesterday, it was a beautiful day, and Pris came in my room and said "Do you want to come to the airport with me to pick up tracey?" and I said "Yes, I do. Let me put my shoes on, Suzy."
So we drove to the plane station, and I passed Pris some cigarette, and she tried to ash it out the window, but her window was rolled up still, and so she whacked her hand, and looked at me and said "Now that's a clean window." And I laughed for a long time at that. Then we found a clone of my little sister Shelby. Then we found a clone of Pris. And thought it would be really funny if we found clones of our whole family. Renee the Glitch called me from America, crying. I was really worried because it sounded like somebody had just died. But it was only because they made her take mushrooms and she was freaking out at a lion and a vulture. And so much vegetation. So I made her laugh a bit about how whenever I take mushrooms, I just feel as though I'm pissing on myself for about 7 hours solid, and that's why I don't do them anymore. Because how embarrassed would you be if you asked someone to check if you were pissing yourself and you actually were?!
At work, I get to shampoo people's hair now, and give them scalp massages. It's pretty fun. And I've got a work-friend called Laura, and she and I always sneak off to smoke cigarettes behind the bins outside and giggle about it. I'm going to get my hair cut there on Wednesday, so I'm going to have to find pictures of a new hairstyle I want to have upon my head.
I'm also working on some new musics, because I've just gotten lots of new music making software, but I still don't actually know how to use it. Trial and error, I guess.
Do you know what else? I'm going to Dublin in 12 days! I seriously can't wait.
I hope everyone reading this is alive and well, because I sure am.
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